Aerial photography for zoo park

Hamerton Zoo Park - aerial photography

Having produced a promotional video for Hamerton Zoo Park in the summer, Catalyst Video Services was asked to provide aerial photographs of the zoo. The request included the provision of an aerial ‘map’ of the zoo. Because of CAA height restrictions Catalyst are only able to fly

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PfAW becomes PfCO

Drone video by Catalyst Video Services

With effect from 25th August 2016, the CAA Permission for Aerial Work (PfAW) has been replaced by the Permission for Commercial Operations (PfCO). This change appears in the newly published Air Navigation Order 2016. CAA Information Notice IN-2016/073 (link below) explains the change. Existing PfAWs will remain

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Harvesting of rapeseed crop, Cambridgeshire

Aerial video of harvesting in Cambridgeshire.

Short video showing the harvesting of rapeseed crops for the biofuels industry on a farm in Cambridgeshire, UK. The video demonstrates the video drone capabilities. The stability and control of the drone allows incredibly sharp static shots and smooth ‘orbital’ shots.

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